Did you ever think…

     Did you ever think that your normal may be their magic…..

Just a little sneak peek…some of our memories in motion this 2018!

So much more to come! 


Bo literally lives on this pier!


McRae enjoys every moment of everyday![/caption]


This little man is for sure the exclamation in our family!
We love Mrs. Parker…she has taken Bo in and has loved him. He loves her right back.
These two love eachother so much!
Finishing the drill…
This girls drive….
Love this face…
Eating out of Pat-Pat’s ice cream bowls just like I did as a kid!
Samantha being named on the North East Georiga All-Region Team
5th grade graduation
National Championship!!!

Yes, this is for real! He love just about everything!

Barefoot at the sweet shop!